I love my gloves... I decided it was cold enough this morning to wear them. Now I refuse to take them off. I believe they are made of merino wool. They are a very nice dark blue/grey colour. Mmmm gloves.
So the universe punished me for leaving work ever-so-slightly early on Friday afternoon. I just missed an email from Jason saying something along the lines of 'oh yeah, just to let you know that your plan change went through yesterday'. I didn't see this email until I desperately plugged in the dialup late Saturday afternoon and checked my email. I sat pondering and hmmming. What plan change? The only plan change I had requested went through a good month or so ago... *lightbulb goes off* Ohhhhhh he must mean my new install but didn't realise it was a new install. So I ran around plugging the router back in and praise the lord (no please don't) we had our broadband back. I shall not start complaining about the speeds as everyone is at the moment. The line speed is awesome - if only we were getting some of that action.
So yes I am much happier now that I've had my Lost/Gilmore Girls/Grey's Anatomy fix... Still to get my Scrubs/Smallville/whatever-I've-forgotten fix. Mmmm Lost was so good. I ruined it by watching the recap on Friday at work and then went into rocking motion over my dire need to see it right away.
Maybe I shall go get my hot chocolate. Hopefully most of the students will be in class so I can thus avoid the masses.
Oh yeah, Nestle Double Blend hot chocolate with caramel flavour is to die for. *droooooooools* I had too many yesterday. Toru frothed the milk and everything for me. I swear I should've just brought him a milk frother for christmas - his espresso machine has just turned into a glorified milk frother.
Public Service Announcement now over :P
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