La Barberie was our favourite place in
IPA – smell of toasted hops with a hoppy bitterness. 4/5
Rousse Bock – dried fruits (figs? dates?), rich, silky, bitter honey finish. 4/5
Rousse Bitter – malty and dry but little bitterness. Very dry finish. 4/5
Stout Imperial – smelt like banana essence or as Toru put it “perky nana on burnt toast”. Was a Baileys and banana milkshake.
There were a few other sneaky drinks in our room.
La Barberie IPA and Rousse Bitter in 500ml bottles – definitely much better on tap.
Microbrasserie du Lièvre's IIPA – purchased in 1l bottle at the supermarket. Was nice but nothing like the IIPAs at Dieu du Ciel.
Speaking of Dieu du Ciel… We made our second and last trip there on our last night in
Fornesterie – Rousse de Chanure 5% but not very Rousse 3.5/5
Corvé du diable – An American Pale Ale at 6.5%. Was hoppy but very little else. Dry and definitely missing something. 4/5
Ste-Flanelle – repeat performance. I drooled over this earlier.
Ciel étoilé – Toru was not happy with this choice (given I didn’t recognise one word in the description this is not my fault!). Lager-ish and very aniseed (he can’t stand aniseed).
Rigor Mortis Blonde – A
Grand Messe – an “Alt” 5% which I was told was a German style-mix so didn’t know what to expect. Malty, not quite a porter, with a cedar smoked aroma. 4.2/5
Double triple – at 10% and after all those others this was asking for trouble. Forte belge – oui, it was. Reminiscent of something between a La Trappe Dubbel and Quadrupel (but not logically a Tripel as you would expect). Reminded me of the La Trappe Dubbel but had the alcoholic taste you hit with the Quadrupel. Malt and alcohol taste.
Thus this night resulted in me yelling random French at Toru (who doesn’t speak French) in the Métro. Good times. Got up the next morning and headed back to NZ.
Enjoyed reading all of them Maree. Thanks!
How did you guys collect all these details so meticulously? I'm far too scared to be methodical about anything when I'm travelling since it reminds me too much about work :(
Care to share your secret?
Thank you :)
I carried an incredibly small notebook with me and made notes each time we tried something!
And trying to give them a score became amusing in itself so didn't really feel like work (although I still struggle to put a number on them)
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